Welcome to Legato Communications!

Legato Communications was originally formed by Cornelius Gould in 2004 as the parent company for his second internet music radio station called Legato Cafe. Legato Cafe featured Triple-A music, and was listener supported.
As part of the operation, Gould set up a server farm to serve the stream data to listeners of his station. There was plenty of extra bandwidth, so that extra bandwidth was rented to a local radio station for their streaming needs.
By late 2008 / 2009, the Deep recession in the US at that time meant there was little funding from listeners to keep Legato Cafe afloat…eventually it was shut down. Legato Communications itself carried on thanks to the streaming services arrangement with the local radio station. That arrangement is still running strong, along with a handful of hobby streaming stations that also uses the service.

From here, Gould transitioned Legato Communications to a broadcast / internet audio distribution technical services company, and combined all of his radio broadcast contract engineering consulting & services work under this company.
For most of his life, Gould has designed audio processors, and set up the sound of radio stations as well. He wrote a multi-part comprehensive series of articles on broadcast audio processing, and would share many of these discussions on his personal website.
From 2008 to 2019, Gould was employed with Omnia Audio, and with that, began helping broadcast radio shape the sound of their Omnia processors.
Gould has been doing work with radio stations all over the world (mainly the US) with improving their on-air sound. This service is now formally known as Legato Communications.